Recognising Ramanujan is an annual mathematical competition organised by the Foundation to seek out young minds whose thought processes are aligned and focused towards the efforts required in the field of research in mathematical sciences along with the uses of modern technology in mathematics. The second edition took place on 31st January, 2020.


Recognising Ramanujan, 2020 competition was keenly fought, and we are proud to say that we have found our winners – the Budding Ramanujans – the young minds who have displayed the exceptional mathematical ingenuity that the competition demanded, and have come out on top.

We, at the Mathematical Sciences Foundation, thank each student who participated, and we heartily applaud our winners.


Congratulations to our Winners!

Budding Ramanujans- Top Six positions subject to minimum 50% marks. Please note the Junior category has more winners because of tied scores. 

Potential to be Budding Ramanujans- Next top five positions subject to minimum 40% marks (Separate for Girls and Boys)